2023 Cosplay recap

Cosplay Contest
Join our annual Cosplay Contest and flaunt your amazing handiwork for a chance to win our grand prize! Dream Con’s Cosplay Contest is open to all attendees and free to apply. Please be sure to read through our rules and guidelines carefully before submitting your application as a contestant.
2023 Cosplay Contest Winners

Best In Show
"The Oni" From Dead by Daylight
Chadwick Randle (Nerdy_Builds)

Best In Masters
Komurasaki from One Piece

Best In Journeymen
Strawberry Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid
Kuro Senpie

Best In Novice
Fatui Harbinger Sandrone from Genshin Impact
Mika MilkyCosplay

Cosplay Head Award
Lucio - Overwatch
Bradley “the black speed” Spears

Judges Overall Award
Link (Legend of Zelda) x Jin Sakai (Ghost of Tsushima) to make Samurai Link
Ghost of Hyrule